Today I had rice and noodles with shrimp, egg and vegetables or cơm và bún với tôm, thịt, trứng và rau in Vietnamese.
What did you have for lunch?
Hi! My name The Khuc. I have been bringing lunch to work for many years now. I started this blog to show my appreciation to the wonderful food that I eat everyday and to the person who prepares it. Thanks MOM!
you haven't eaten lunch since tuesday! someone get this man some food!
Thanks for the concern Keith. I needed the last two days off to study for my finals. I took my last final last night, so I'm finally done. :-)
More lunch updates are coming!
I wonder when the lunch will start to repeat. Doesn't look it's gonna happen soon. haha ^^ Nice job, The. *nod nod* I did not laugh. Instead, I got insanely jealous of you. mwahaha
Oh, um, the comment directly above this is by me (Carolyn). ^^;;
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